El Mito de la Diosa Fortuna

Jorge Bucay · Rba Libros

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El autor nos ofrece en este libro una modernización de la leyenda clásica de la diosa de la Fortuna, con aportes de otros símbolos y fábulas. Nos ayuda a entender cuál es la relación de cada uno de nosotros con la suerte, y cómo manejar su influencia en nuestra vida. Salir al encuentro de la esquiva diosa es un emocionante desafío personal. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In this beautifully illustrated book, Bucay explains our connection with chance and with destiny’s stubbornness. He proposes a modernization of the classic legend of the Fortune goddess, with contributions from other symbols and fables. He helps us understand our own relationship with luck, and how to manage and manipulate its influence on our lives. In this recreation of said legend, he also mixes facts, characters, and situations of the Celtic, Indian, and Nordic mythology, intertwined with images and symbols from Hasidic tales and legends from Pre-Columbian cultures of the Americas. On the CD, he narrates the original tale of the Fortune Goddess.

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