Masaje Sensual Para Amantes

Timothy Freke · Edaf

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Este libro nos ofrece un viaje guiado de descubrimiento sensual inspirado por las antiguas tradiciones orientales. Por medio de fotografias, de ilustraciones y de instrucciones detalladas, el autor describe tecnicas de masaje para todo el cuerpo, desde los pies hasta la cara, desde las nalgas hasta los pechos. Ademas de estas tecnicas basicas del masaje, se incluyen tambien otras mas exoticas, tales como el contacto oriental de todo el cuerpo, el masaje de energia tantrica, la estimulacion sensorial y el masaje mutuo. Aprenderas, ademas, a servirte del poder de tu mente para hacer mas profundas tus experiencias fisicas. Todas las tecnicas se aprenden y se practican con facilidad, para que los dos podais relajaros, divertiros, y disfrutar del placer de descubrir el poder erotico de la excitacion sensual profunda. / Sharing sensual massage with your lover is one of the most rewarding ways to delight each other and transform love-making into a way to ease away the cares of life and relax body and mind on the way to new horizons of sexual and emotional pleasure. Sensual massage is easy with the carefully selected techniques explained and shown here in intimate detail with georgous, full-color photography. Techniques that go back to the ancient Eastern traditions of Tantra and Taoism reveal some of the most intense secrets of arousal - pleasing equally to giver and receiver. Start with the creative fun of making your own pleasure chamber, selecting special lighting, food, drink, music, fabrics, and fragrances. See how to make timing work, as you set special dates and times of day to be left undisturbed. As you begin your explorations, learn to use words and sounds to create your own language for signaling special pleasures. Then comes ""Easing and Teasing,"" the beginning of sensual pleasure through breathing, touching, using your hair, fabrics, light stroking, oils, and other preparations for massage. The massage itself is of course the heart of the instruction, with specific techniques designed for bringing particular pleasures to each part of the body, using just the right amounts of pressure. As massage builds to erotic heightening, see how to compliment your partner when you come to the places you find most attractive. At last you bring in love-making, drawing on ancient techniques and modern innovations. From the first stroking to the final moment, this is the one guide you'll need to reap the pleasures and rewards of exotic massage with your lover.

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