Mostpeople are Nuts: The Little red Book of Garuda

Isaac David Garuda · Hapi Books

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"Mostpeople are Nuts-The Little Red Book of Garuda" is a collection of aphorisms. Born in 1944, in the United States, Garuda received a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Massachusetts (MIT). He worked with renowned therapists such as Dr Alexander Lowen and Dr Stanislav Grof. For many years he has been inspired by several spiritual masters, in particular Sri Satya Sai Baba. He has written several books and welcomed people in search of healing and spiritual growth at his home in Pai, Northern Thailand. From the Foreword: This is either the work of a raving egomaniac or a fairly enlightened human being. It's not for me to say which. What I can say is that what is written here has not been thought out. I lost interest in what I think a long time ago. When I first wrote these aphorisms, I attributed them to a fictitious guru named Baba Lottanada (Lots-of-nothing). I did this mainly to be funny, but also because I was afraid of taking full responsibility for what I had to say. Well, I've overcome my fear and Baba Lottanada has gone the way of the dodo and the dinosaurs. Over the last 30 years it has been my great good fortune to spend time with a number of real, as opposed to fictitious, spiritual teachers. These include a 92-year old mystic named Sunyata, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramesh Balsekar, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Murshid James McKie, Chogyam Trungpa, Reverend Paula Scott, Josephine Taylor, and Joan Reddish. It is to them I dedicate this book. Isaac David Garuda

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