The Starseed Dialogues: Soul Searching the Universe (en Inglés)

Cori, Patricia · Patricia Cori

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Scribe to a body of non-physical, six-dimensional beings - the Sirian High Council - Patricia Cori is the author of the classic trilogy: The Sirian Revelations, her world-renowned collection of channeled teachings and spiritual guidance, as received from higher consciousness. In this latest work, The Starseed Dialogues, the Sirians respond to questions posed to Patricia from readers world over. How are we shifting as ascending human beings? Will the dramatic Earth Changes and geophysical catastrophes affect our evolution? What can we glean from the mysterious worlds of Agharta, Atlantis, and the mysteries of Egypt? Always, the Speakers message is one of hope and empowerment: we must release our fear of what we understand to be the future in order to experience, in the now, the true transformation of human consciousness. This is the pathway and the passing of our journey into a new light for Planet Earth: an age of truth, liberation and love everlasting.

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